Step 1 Yf k(G
Everyone wants to be happy, but happiness depends on many factors. y62GCc
Many people believe that money brings happiness, because if they can pay and fulfil all their desires they imagine that they will be happy forever. However, money is only a facility. It cannot buy health, love and peace. +ikAdRA3
If you are sick, alone, in a war, dominated by craziness and despair, money cannot save you. It can help you find famed doctors, or paid lovers, or a false peace based on the threat of weapons, but everything you can get by paying is only an illusion. You need much more in order to feel really satisfied. Kli"k\
Step 2 If you want to be really happy forever you have to change the world, bringing peace, abundance and happiness to Earth, besides helping humanity cultivate love, patience, goodness and humility in its heart.You have to put an end to craziness, terrorism and despair. If you cannot transform everything, you will never be completely happy. Pivru
Step 3 ( +:(DZY@
So, you have either to accept to live in a crazy world full of violence and absurdity, trying to be happy on your “personal island”, where only your family and your friends have importance for you, or you have to transform this crazy world into a place where everyone will have the chance to be happy, otherwise you will never be really happy too. A#q[wgWG}
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Step 4 K;Gk'< |